Saturday, September 18, 2010


Peaches Peaches Peaches! I'm weird I don't like fresh peaches, but I loved them canned. Here is one of many ways to do it.

Makes 8 Pint jars or 4 Quart Jars

8-12 lbs of of fresh, ripe peaches
5 Cups water
3 1/4 Cups Granulated Sugar

Water Bath Boiler
Jars and Lids
Paring Knife
Large Sauce Pan

To prepare the jars and lids, put the lids in a small sauce pan and bring to a boil. Wash the jars and put in hot water, or boiling water if you prefer to sterilize them as well. Fill the water bath half way full and bring the water to a boil.

To prepare the peaches to be canned, they need to be washed, peeled and pitted. The easiest way to peel them is to dip them in boiling water for 30 seconds and then place them in cold water. The peel should come off fairly easily. Using a paring knife cut the peaches in half and remove the pit. Make sure you scrape the fibrous inside out as well. Once the peaches are peeled and pitted they need to be treated to prevent browning. There are several ways to do it. I find it is easiest to use Fresh Fruit (it is found in the supermarket) There is also ascorbic acid, lemon juice and water, and a salt/vinegar combination that can be used. All will keep the fruit from turning brown.

To make the syrup the peaches are in, (in the jars) bring the 5 cups of water to a boil. Add the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Make sure the syrup does not boil down.

Hot-Pack Method:
Take the peaches and layer them into the hot syrup over medium-low heat until they are heated through. Add a minute per a layer of peaches. Place the peaches into the jars (they should be warm) with the cavity facing down. Fill in as best as you can leaving a 1/2 inch space at the top. Ladle in the syrup to cover the peaches, still leaving a 1/2 inch space at the top. Get out the air bubbles by using the handle of the ladle. Push down the side of the jar between the glass and the fruit, it will make the fruit move a little and hopefully allow any bubble to rise. Add more syrup if necessary. Wipe the top of the jar clean and place the lids on top.

Put the jars in the water bath for 20 minutes if using pints and 25 minutes if using quarts. Take the lid of the boiler and let stand for 5 minutes. Then remove and place on a towel or a heat proof spot. Let cool completely before storing. The top of the jar should no longer move up and down. Repeat the water bath boiler process if it still moves.

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